Install Microsoft Office 2016 macOS High Sierra

2023年5月8日—Basedonthesituation,version16.43andearlierversionsofOffice2019supportmacOSHighSierra.SinceOffice2016endedofsupporton ...,2018年10月25日—Yes,Office2016forMacthelatestupdatesupportMacOS10.12.6.IfyouareanOffice365subscriber,OfficeforMac...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Does 2016 or 2019 office supports Mac OS high Sierra ...

2023年5月8日 — Based on the situation, version 16.43 and earlier versions of Office 2019 support macOS High Sierra. Since Office 2016 ended of support on ...

Office 2016 for mac the lastest update support MacOS ...

2018年10月25日 — Yes, Office 2016 for Mac the latest update support MacOS 10.12.6. If you are an Office 365 subscriber, Office for Mac is supported on the three ...

macOS 10.12 Sierra無法開啟Office 2016軟體問題(更新 ...

如後續跳出Microsoft AutoUpdate更新畫面,點選「檢查更新」,將Microsoft Office所有軟體更新到最新版本即可正常操作。

Is Microsoft Office 2016 compatible with Ventura?

2023年4月13日 — Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac is supported on the following versions of macOS: macOS Sierra (version 10.12); macOS High Sierra (version 10.13) ...

high sierra compatibility with microsoft office

2017年10月19日 — Office 2016 for Mac is fully supported on High Sierra. For the best experience, we recommend you update Office to version 15.38 or later. Show ...

Install Office 2016 for Mac with Microsoft 365 operated by ...

Ready to install Office 2016 for Mac for Microsoft 365? This article tells you how. Requirements. To use Office for Mac 2016, you must have:.

End of support for Office 2016 for Mac

2020年10月13日 — Here's what the end of support means for you: You'll no longer receive Office 2016 for Mac software updates from Microsoft Update. You'll no ...

別心急升級macOS!Office 20112016 for Mac 或不支援 ...

2017年6月14日 — 如果你有使用Office 2011/2016 for Mac 的話,你的Mac 機請不要心急升級到macOS High Sierra。


2023年5月8日—Basedonthesituation,version16.43andearlierversionsofOffice2019supportmacOSHighSierra.SinceOffice2016endedofsupporton ...,2018年10月25日—Yes,Office2016forMacthelatestupdatesupportMacOS10.12.6.IfyouareanOffice365subscriber,OfficeforMacissupportedonthethree ...,如後續跳出MicrosoftAutoUpdate更新畫面,點選「檢查更新」,將MicrosoftOffice所有軟體更新到最新版本即可正常操作。,2023年4月13日...